Linggo, Agosto 21, 2011

Camp Samal Swimming Pool Tourist Spot

In Tumauini Isabela,my favorite place is Camp Samal.Inside the camp samal there is resort, boating area and other beautiful places there.if you want to see all the pictures of camp samal just search on the google.

10 Hours of Travel Manila To Tumauini, Isabela if you are in Tumauini just ride in Tricycle 5minutes of travel and you there it The Camp Samal Swimming Pool

St. Mattias Dominican Church Tourist Spot

First build of light materials by Francisco Nunez O. P., and dedicated to the Patron Saint, 1707. Separated from Cabagan and became a regular parish in 1751. The Roman Catholic Church was erected by the Dominican in 1753. They were made of bricks and coral stones with unique cylindrical bell tower, the only of its kind in the Philippines was constructed by Fr. Domingo Forto in 1793 and completed on 1805, became the capital of Isabela for sometimes in 1880′s. The Church was partly damaged during World War II and repaired into original form by the faithful of Tumauini.
Furthermore, the church architectural design bear traces of Chinese artistry which confirms the belief that long before the Spaniards came to the Philippines, the Chinese had settled in the coastal towns of Northern Luzon.
By virtue of Presidential Decree # 260. 11 August 1973, as amended by Executive Order No. 357, 14 January 1974 and No. 1505, 11 June 1978. The Church of Tumauini was declared a National Historical Landmark on February 24, 1989.

Location of the Church
Place: Tumauini, Isabela, Philippine
10 hours of travel if you are in Manila

The Best of the Summer"Halo-Halo"

Halo-halo (from "halo" = mix) is a favorite Filipino dessert or snack. It is basically a mixture of sweet preserved beans(red beans, chick peas), coconut meat (macapuno), jackfruit (langka), pounded dried rice (pinipig), sweet yam (ube), cream flan (leche flan), shreds of sweetened plantain (saba), filled with crushed ice, milk (or coconut milk) and topped with ice cream. The halo-halo basically is sweet, creamy, and a filling dessert. 
This Filipino concoction is quite popular during the hot summer months (March-June) in the country, just as ice cream is. It is usually served in tall, clear glasses that show its colorful contents that tempt one's taste buds. One's thirst is even made worse by the perspiring ice-filled glass, and the melting ice cream on top.

Filipino culture may be likened to a halo-halo. The ice cream, which is a Western ingredient, may be on top of the concoction, but that is just the surface of the dessert. The ice cream melts, and it blends with the Asian tropical fruits and beans underneath, which forms the bulk and substance of the mixture, the ones that are to be eaten first with a spoon. Drinking the melted ice cream and milk later is the final act and passion of consuming the halo-halo, the creme de la creme in its liquid form.

To say that Filipino culture is primarily Western is like taking the ice cream as the main ingredient of the halo-halo, thereby missing the colorful Asian substance of the whole mixture. Likewise, to say that Filipino culture is essentially Eastern is the same as taking only the Asian tropical fruits in the halo-halo and failing to drink the melted ice cream in the mixture. One then misses passion, which is the creme of Filipino culture.

Every time I want to eat some my first thing that pop-up in my mind is Halo-halo because I can forget the nice taste of this food, the different ingredients were make me enjoy eating. 

Chicken Adobo Recipe

Chicken Adobo Recipe Cooking Time:

* 30 Minutes

Chicken Adobo Recipe Ingredients:
* 6 lbs chicken thighs

* 14 cloves of garlic
* 1.5 cups of soy sauce
* 1 cup of palm vinegar
* 1 tbsp of ground cloves
* 1.5 cups of brown sugar
* 7 bay leaves
* 1 tsp of ground pepper

Chicken Adobo Recipe Cooking Instructions:
1. In a deep skillet, brown chicken in oil.

2. Add vinegar, soy sauce, first portion of garlic,laurel, peppercorn and water.
3. Bring to a boil, lower the fire and cook uncovered for 10 minutes.
4. When it gets too dry just add 1/2 cup of water.
5. Cover and let simmer until chicken becomes tender.
6. In a deep pan, cook remaining garlic until it becomes soft golden-brown.
7. Add the chicken and cook until lightly crispy and pour the rest of the adobo sauce.
8. Serve hot.

Firefox 7 Beta 1

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.

User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.

Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.

Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.

Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

Survival of the new planet builds support life, twenty light years from earth

U.S. astronomers has announced the discovery of a planet the size of the earth, and that the
Planet could sustain life survival.
Reported that the University of California, Santa Cruz and the Carnegir Institution of Washington
Astronomer said, this new planet is found around the galaxy known as the Ge Lize 581 run, twenty light
Years from earth.

Scientists say the planet is what they call the "Habitable zone" of the center operation, which means the
Surface of the planet may have liquid water and life-sustaining atmosphere.

University of California, Santa Cruz professor of astronomy, find the planet, one of the research team
Leader Steven V, said the discovery of the planet with living conditions to provide a convincing basis. He
Also said that the universe may have more of this type of planet.

I was excite of this planet because there something there like our planet they. They say we can live there.


In the context of Space flight a satellite is an object which has been placed into Orbit by human endeavour. Such objects are sometimes called artificial satellites to distinguish them from Natural satellite such as the Moon.
History's first artificial satellite, the Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. Since then, thousands of satellites have been launched into orbit around the Earth; also some satellites, notably Space station , have been launched in parts and assembled in orbit. Artificial satellites originate from more than 50 countries and have used the satellite launching capabilities of ten nations. A few hundred satellites are currently operational, whereas thousands of unused satellites and satellite fragments orbit the Earth as Space debris. A few Space probe have been placed into orbit around other bodies and become artificial satellites to the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sun.
Satellites are used for a large number of purposes. Common types include military and civilian Earth observation satellites, Communications satellite , navigation satellites, weather satellites, and research satellites. Space station and human Spacecraft in orbit are also satellites. Satellite orbits vary greatly, depending on the purpose of the satellite, and are classified in a number of ways. Well-known (overlapping) classes include Low Earth orbit, Polar orbit, and Geostationary orbit.
Satellites are usually semi-independent computer-controlled systems. Satellite subsystems attend many tasks, such as power generation, thermal control, telemetry, Attitude control and orbit control.

DIY Isomorphic Keyboard Makes Awesome Music

Most conventional electronic keyboards feature a classical piano-like arrangement of keys. While this sort of design makes the transition from traditional piano playing easier, it can limit some of the possibilities that an electronic keyboard can accomplish. Piano layouts are arranged in that way because each key corresponds to hammers that strike string, but an electronic keyboard doesn't necessarily need to take any specific form.
Taking this theory to a whole new level, two Louisville Soundbuilder designers created an isomorphic keyboard with a dramatically different layout. Featuring 192 different keys, this keyboard produces a plethora of different sounds. The keys are also velocity sensitive, meaning sounds become louder as the keyboard strokes are harder.
Isomorphic Keyboard
Although the current construction looks a bit confusing with hundreds of computer keyboard keys, the designers hope to create custom color-coded hexagonal keys for future models. Check out the above video to see the creators' explanation on the construction, layout and abilities of this innovative keyboard device.

Robot Hand Draws Sloppy, Creepy Portraits

Artist creates robot arm that draws portraits like a human.
If you were lucky enough to have Paul, the portrait-drawing robot honor you with a portrait, first you may be impressed by the fact that a disembodied arm is drawing a portrait of you, and then you might be unimpressed by the somewhat messy and borderline demented piece of art that is produced. That is until you are told by engineering scientist turned artist Patrick Tresset that it's "working as intended".
So why create a robot that is intentionally lacking precision and grace? Well that's because most humans lack the precision and grace required to draw wonderfully accurate portraits. Tresset told FastCoDesign, "I try to make robotic installations that touch people. I believe that a robot that slightly fails is more interesting, more 

Scientists Develop Paper Phone

Roel Vertegaal has its way, we all will be using paper tablets and paper phones before this decade ends.
Vertegaal, director of the human media lab, will be showcasing a paper phone prototype at CHI2011 in Vancouver this week.
The device uses a bendable 3.7-inch e-ink touchscreen, which was developed by researchers at Arizona State University. All electronic circuits are printed to the backside of the device. There are also five 2-inch sensors that can detect if a user bends the display at its corners and edges. The display is limited to showing grey-shades at a resolution of up to 150 dpi. According to Vertegaal, the phone is powered by E Ink's Broadsheet Kit, while a notebook that is connected via a cable to the phone is used to store the phone software as well as MP3 playback and reader applications.
"This computer looks, feels and operates like a small sheet of interactive paper," Vertegaal says. "You interact with it by bending it into a cell phone, flipping the corner to turn pages, or writing on it with a pen." It even features gesture recognition capability.
Vertegaal envisions other applications such as tablet-sized screens. "The paperless office is here," Vertegaal stated. "Everything can be stored digitally and you can place these computers on top of each other just like a stack of paper." He added that paper computers do not require power when not in use.
According to Vertegaal, paper computer could be commercially available within five years.

New fashionable Face makeup tips

It is true that with the passage of time the range of products available in the market have also increased which has reduced the difficulty to enhance the beauty with the help of makeup techniques. Although there are some basic tips before you apply makeup. First and foremost you need to wash your face before you apply any thing on the makeup. After this you need to moisturize your skin well. To start up the make up first you should go with the eye make up.
Then apply makeup to your face. This shall give you a cleaner look. And another thing that cannot be missed is that you also apply the same tone of foundation to the neck portion as it will give you an even look. And make sure you do not apply too much of make up that make you more like a dummy. All these tips will surely make you good and confident.
It's a way for a women to take a step back, and truly pink about what is important to them. I believe that make up should be fun simple and expressive, it not should be rocket science it's about finding what works best for you and then experimenting from there and hoping that make up will inspered woman to embracce thier own inner confident so that they shine from within.

Goodbye Soil: Researchers Grow Crops on Thin Films

Japanese researchers at Mebiol have discovered an innovative new way to grow plants and crops. Substituting traditional soils with ultra thin films made of hydrogel, the scientists have been able to successfully block out unwanted bacteria and viruses in soil that can be harmful for plants. Essentially removing dirt from the equation, plant roots grow alongside the thin membrane of the hydrogel, a substance that is commonly found in diapers.
The method isn't exactly a perfect replacement to traditional growing methods, since water is absorbed at a much slower rate. This means plant sizes are limited and only the healthiest and strongest varieties of plants can survive on the hydrogel. Despite this limitation, the researchers have been able to successfully grow tomatoes, spinach, and melons with the film. The researchers are hoping to one day make the film strong enough to support the growth of trees. Check out the video below to see the hydrogel in action.

South Korean Scientists Create Glowing Dog

Genetically modified beagle glows in uv lighting.
On Wednesday, Scientists from Seoul National University in South Korea announced that they have created a glowing dog while utilizing a cloning technique designed to find cures for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Pictured about is the team's genetically modified female beagle, Tegon, which was born in 2009 and was found to glow in a fluorescent green color while under ultraviolet light.
After two years of testing, the research team has found that the glowing ability is triggered by a doxycycline antibiotic and can be turned on or off by adding or removing certain drugs to the dog's food.

"The creation of Tegon opens new horizons since the gene injected to make the dog glow can be substituted with genes that trigger fatal human diseases," explained lead researcher Lee Byeong-chun. He went on to state that humans and dogs have 268 common diseases, and that creating dogs with artificial symptoms could help in the treatment of these deadly diseases that affect humans.
The scientists in the project created Tegon utilizing the same somatic cell nuclear transfer technology that they used in creating the world's first cloned dog, Snuppy back in 2005. Although the researchers are only hoping to assist in treating or curing lethal human diseases, cloning itself is already a controversial topic. We're guessing PETA might not be too happy about creating dogs with Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases.

The Robot Elephant Made of Recycled Materials

Truth be told, the only robotic thing about the "Great Elephant" are its mechanically articulated trunk and legs. And the latter don't even hold the elephant up, a task that falls on three set of struts with wheels. But the contraption is still massive, measuring 12 meters high and 8 meters wide. The nozzle even blows out smoke for a more compelling illusion.

Better yet, the Great Elephant was made from 45 tons of recycled materials, meaning some artist's fancy wasn't responsible for creating more junk. The elephant's size also means it  can carry up to 49 passengers. It's just too bad the Great Elephant isn't more autonomous in movement, but who knows? Perhaps future versions will feature better legs, and we can stop enslaving real elephants for entertainment purposes.

Bicycle: Sobi bike GPS lock and P2P sharing capability

Around this time last year, I posted the Etta Bike, a semi-recumbent city bike that Nick Foley designed as his senior thesis project at Pratt. Since then, Nick graduated and started working with the design team at the bike-sharing company socialbicycles. Nick explains that Social Bicycles (SoBi) is a bike-sharing system that uses “smart” bikes rather than “smart” stations. “Each bike has an onboard GPS, cellular transmitter, and electronic lock that allow people to find and unlock bikes using their smartphones.” I think it’s a very interesting idea, and the idea of eliminating the fixed docking stations in a bike share system promises to reduce the overall system cost (the bikes can also be unlocked by entering a user’s PIN number using the keypad on the bike itself).

Right now, the SoBi team is seeking funding on Kickstarter, and you can find out more about the concept there. Also, check out a recent post at DesignBoom for more information about the project and the design of the bike that Nick has been working on. Regarding the the bike itself, Nick explains:

The direction we chose for our bicycle was something of a classic design, guided by a modern utilitarianism. The classic ‘step-through’ geometry is a time-tested way of making a bicycle easy to mount and dismount for people of any level of flexibility. The shaft drive, which may seem like a novelty or innovation, is actually a well-established technology perfectly suited for bike-sharing applications, where the small amount of added weight is negligible considering to the higher durability and cleanliness compared to a chain and chainguard.